
Africa. Just the name conjures feelings of excitement and a sense of mystery. Many people have Africa on their bucket list and think only of safaris and wildlife. But Africa is so much more! It consists of 54 countries, each with a unique and fascinating culture.  it is the second largest continent, larger than the US, China, and most of Europe combined! And, it's not just about Land rovers and safari hats.

From amazing cosmopolitan cities like Cape Town and Cairo, to soaring mountain ranges, vast deserts, and stunning beaches, you can find it all here. Beyond the sites and adventures, you will find the true heart of Africa- the people. Embark on an unforgettable journey with me as we traipse through jungles, float in hot air balloons, and soar over Victoria Falls like an eagle. Let's weave together a tapestry of memories that will stand the test of time. Join me on this exhilarating odyssey and let your wanderlust define the path ahead!


Cage diving with great white sharks; Marine Dynamics, Gansbaai


Off the Beaten Path: Egypt’s Pyramids Beyond Giza

Off the Beaten Path: Egypt’s Pyramids Beyond Giza

This may have been the most amazing day of our trip to Egypt! We felt like serious explorers- some real Indiana Jones vibes! We crawled into ancient pyramids, descending into the dark unknown, unfettered by foul smells and ominous cool breezes. This was an optional...


Essaouira, Morocco

Essaouira, Morocco

Essaouira was one of our favorite stops on our recent trip to Morocco! This coastal town has a laid-back, artistic, funky vibe and is full of delicious seafood, unique shopping opportunities, and activities. This is the second part of the series on our trip to...

South Africa

Cage diving with great white sharks; Marine Dynamics, Gansbaai

Tanzania (inc. Zanzibar)

New Trip Report: Spice Island Oasis: Park Hyatt Zanzibar

New Trip Report: Spice Island Oasis: Park Hyatt Zanzibar

After our adventurous trip in Uganda, Park Hyatt Zanzibar provided a serene retreat to recharge before returning to our hectic everyday lives. The staff warmly greeted us and catered to our every whim. I had always dreamt of visiting Zanzibar, and, after a trip to...


Zambia & Zimbawbwe

Cage diving with great white sharks; Marine Dynamics, Gansbaai